Free Money Lessons to Use With “Pigs Will Be Pigs”

A set of free money lessons to teach money and financial responsibility to kids.

One of the most important real life math topics kids learn is how to add and subtract money. The book “Pigs Will Be Pigs” by Amy Axelrod is a fun way to introduce kids to money and how to handle it. To help your students learn and practice as they read, grab these free extension lessons from Bethany at Math Geek Mama!

Pigs Will Be Pigs Money Lessons - Teach Junkie

This download includes two lessons and discussion questions to help incorporate this fun book into your math curriculum! Students will need to have a basic understanding and know the denomination of coins before reading, so these lessons may be best used by second grade and up.

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Bethany at Math Geek Mama is a former math teacher who now stays home to teach 4 amazing little people. She shares tips, math teaching resources and random math goodness at her blog -!