Bathroom Posters {Free Printable}

Teaching bathroom procedures is sometimes time consuming…you need to remind children to flush, not to forget to use soap, to throw the paper INTO the trash, not next to it. And as a kindergarten teacher you have to do this over and over again throughout the day.

Bathroom Posters {Free Printable}

But I’ve created these bathroom posters with comprehensive images. You just need to print them out, laminate them, and place them as reminders next to the sink, on the paper towel box, on the toilet seat, etc. You can also use the posters to discuss bathroom procedures during circle time.

It will still take some time until flushing or using soap becomes an automatism, but these posters sure help.

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Ilinca Sadoveanu - Grumpy Dumpling

Hi there! I’m Ilinca from Grumpy Dumpling and my passion is teaching, creating resources for teachers, and helping children discover how fun learning can be. I have been a kindergarten teacher (with English as the language of instruction) for more than five years. I’m 28 and I live in Helsinki, Finland.