Clever and Unique Emergent Reader Hack

Do you create lots of printable emergent reader books for your classroom? Here is a clever and unique teacher hack for making those books last longer. You’ll love the idea of using duct tape in bright, bold colors to create a binding for printable books, like used in guided reading.

The benefits go beyond making them last – you’ll see that duct tape can mean organization too.

Clever and Unique Emergent Reader Binding Trick - Teach Junkie

Featured from Teaching Idea Tuesday

Duct Tape Emergent Reader Binding Trick

It’s possible for that stack of emergent readers to cause all kinds of silly headaches that can be fixed with this simple trick.

When you cover the binding edge (where the staples are) of the printable books you’ll find that the books will last longer in the hands of primary students, no longer prick fingers with pokey staples gone awry and using different colors of duct tape can mean you reach for the right book without scouring through a pile of books…


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Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.