Mental Math: 7 Fun Printable Challenge Boards

Make mental math fun with a game-themed mental math challenge board. Keep up mental math skills: addition, subtraction and multiplication with this printable challenge board. You can easily differentiate the skills and level of work by choosing from one of 7 different game boards. Math that feels like a game is a win in any teacher’s book!

Mental Math Challenge - Teach Junkie

Mental Math Challenges

It is so easy to forget math facts over the summer! When your kids get back to school, help them refresh some of those skills with these fun challenges from Bethany at Math Geek Mama! This free download comes with three different levels of challenge including addition, subtraction, multiplication and integer operations, as well as a blank copy to create your own!


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Bethany at Math Geek Mama is a former math teacher who now stays home to teach 4 amazing little people. She shares tips, math teaching resources and random math goodness at her blog -!