Valentine’s Day simple gift printables makes it easy for a teacher to give student gifts! All of these free downloads for Valentine’s Day can help make choosing the perfect gift for your class a snap and inexpensive!
These are shared by fabulous women with fantastic skills and a loving heart! It is a joy to share each of these with you as I enjoy promoting teachers and the hard work the do! I hope you find something fantastic that you’d like to make for this Valentine’s Day.
11 Valentine’s Day Gift Printables for Teachers
1. Butterfly Suckers – Simple to cut and make slits for suckers – you can add your own touch to these Valentines. These gifts could even be added to as a Valentine activity so that each student can add to them and pass them on – taking the gift of love and paying it forward!

2. Color My World – Make gorgeous gifts from your stash of crayons and let students know that they color your word. This sweet project will be sure to make each gift unique – just like your students!

3. Cootie Catcher – Perfect for students in the older grades. These 5 cootie catchers will keep them entertained or be perfect for adding a little learning right into your holiday fun since a blank template is included.

4. Lip and Moustache Lollipops – Fun and a touch of humor makes adding a foam moustache to a lollipop the perfect treat to make your students smile. With sweet tags to wrap onto the stick, these’ll be fun for either girls or boys.

5. Bananas Over You – Let your students know just how bananas you are over them with these printables. You’ll get four to a page which makes a great way to save on ink. But, if that wasn’t enough- these cuties are puzzles that your students can make!

6. Blow Me Away – Bring on the bubbles with printable tags that say, “U Blow Me Away.” Simple attach to a small bottle of bubbles and you’ve got a gift that keeps on giving. What a relaxing way to end a Valentine’s Day party.
7. Lovebug Pencils – Why not gift students a gift that they can use in the classroom? A Valentine printable that has heart-shaped spotted ladybug will be the perfect holder for new pencils for each of your little love bugs.

8. Doh You Want to Be Mine – Tired of giving candy or want to do something different? Giving a tub of playdough (even the teeny sized ones) can make for a fun change. Have a few extra minutes in your day – its the right time to let them crack open and create with their gift or make your own math manipulatives for the day!

9. Clever and Subway – With clever sayings like, “Valentine, I {heart} you more than Starbucks” and beautiful subway art Valentines… you’ll love these 12 printables from Shannon. Turn these free downloads into a simple card and hand write a note to each of your students and that makes these completely free! [no longer available]

10. Glowing Heart – This heart shaped free download is perfect taped onto a glow stick. Perfect for older grades, students will love to know that they make your heart glow!

11. Knock My Socks Off – If you ever use socks for dry erase markers or just want to let your smarties know how they floor you – these tags will be just the right fit for your Valentines day.
Thank you fantastic teachers {and ladies} – your ideas are so much fun! Feel free to grab the “I’m a Featured Teach Junkie” blog button as your creations are definitely worth the shout out.
Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.