Bring the novelty of scratch off tickets into your prize box with this easy tutorial and 7 printable tickets. Celebrate great behavior or reward work ethic by adding these printable tickets into your prize box. Students use an eraser to “scratch off” a section of the reward ticket to reveal the specifics of the prize.

Easy Scratch Off Reward Tickets
Use a simple 4-ingredient recipe to make a paintable scratch-off section on these printable tickets. Student will use an eraser to reveal the details of their reward which may be: teacher helper, no shoes pass, no homework pass, show and tell, extra technology time, teacher’s chair or using a pen for an entire day. These rewards will be fun since students won’t know what the reward is until they scratch off the hidden portion…
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More Behavior Incentives
- Behavior Reward Coupons {Free Printable}
- Tracking Behavior Management Visual Printable
- The Recess Tattling Lantern *Classroom Magic*
Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.