A teacher’s work most often seems like it’s never done – but using a printable to do list can help.
These 6 free printable to do lists can make teacher organization easier for your prep time, planning books and lesson plans.
Knowing what you have to do can help you use your five minutes or 50 minutes wisely based on prioritizing and what you have to do next.
Printable To Do Lists
When you’re planning for the any time of the year, you can keep your cool and not feel overwhelmed when you write it down.
If you think of your to-do list as your optimal teacher organization tool, then you’ll have your mental energy saved up for executing all of your great ideas.
I’ll list some free printable to-do lists in case your style isn’t just using post it notes.
Weekly Planner and Planning Binder To Do Lists

1. Weekly To Do List – This printable to do list is designed for a binder. If you use a binder to organize your lesson plans, than this format is perfect to add to complete your teacher organization set.
You’ll find different color options to use and its user friendly with lots of room to sketch, add dates, reminders and notes to yourself. {Free download}

2. Weekly Teacher Printable To Do List – Get your week at a glance with this one sheet to do organizer. You’ll find that you’ve got space to write down meetings, volunteers and notes for next week.
Keep a set of these on a clip board, or insert one into your lesson plan book so you’ve always got your to do lists at your finger tips! {Free download}

3. To Do Lists – If you want a to do list that will break down your before, during and after school times and looks like a checklist, then this 3 page printable teacher to do list will fit the bill.
It is simple, elegant and easy to use.
Highlight things to show priority or draw arrows to move things down as needed throughout the day. {Free download}
Teacher To Do Lists

4. Apple Themed To-Do List – This teacher organization tool is perfect for back to school time as you want to prioritize what must get done first and what can wait until tomorrow.
Ever feel like it’s a bit overwhelming? This list can help you plan out your to-do’s in a simple prioritized manner. {Free download}

5. Teacher’s To-Do List – Keep you list of parents to call and copies to make on hand as you keep a running list of items you want to do.
You’ll feel like you have more teacher organization in your daily school life when you have a place to jot down these things to do. {Free download}

6. 6 Cute Teacher Organizations To-Do Lists – This printable to do list is a single page format designed for a clipboard, photo frame or lesson plan book.
You’ll find six different designs and color options to use and its user friendly with lots of room to write big and add notes to yourself. {Free download}

7. Tropical Themed To Do List – Add a spray of sunshine into your to do list with this tropical themed to do list printable.
It’s designed to print and put into a photo frame, making it an easy list to erase and change with a dry erase marker.
It is bright, colorful and fun. {Free download}
Home and School To Do List

8. Organize Home and School List – This printable to do list features a neat check box at the top so you’re never writing the day. Get productive and find your teacher organization groove as you can add your list for school, home {groceries}, blogging and ideas. (no longer available)
All on one printable sheet, you’ll never forget a “to do” again. {wink}
Thanks to these teachers for their free downloads and helpful printable to do lists to get us all organized. Your free downloads are fantastic!
Feel free to grab the “I’m a Featured Teach Junkie” blog button as your ideas are definitely worth the shout out.
More Organization
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- Teacher Organization With Supply Labels
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Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.