Anyone Need a Lucky Pencil? (Testing Encouragement Note)

Even though I am not working in the testing grades this year, I can feel the stress and tension from my colleagues who are. Can you?

I wanted to share this little Lucky Pencil testing encouragement treat I made for my students last year.

Anyone Need a Lucky Pencil (Testing Encouragement Note)

I made the pencil using:

  • a roll of Mentos (you could also use Rolos)
  • yellow and pink paper
  • a Hershey Kiss
  • some aluminum foil
  • a Sharpie marker
  • double sided tape

I attached a star with an encouraging poem that I wrote saying,

“You are ready, feel strong!
Work carefully & you won’t go wrong!
Use your noggin, do not stress!
Just do your best on the test!”

Come on over to see how to put it all together and for a FREE copy of the star poem…

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– Originally posted on Teaching Blog Addict

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I am a mom, wife, and a Nationally Board Certified reading teacher here to share literacy-based activities and resources, for our little literacy learners!