6 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

Teacher confessions are sure to make you smile. Here are 6 confessions that many elementary school teachers can relate to.

Like to use the “good” markers? Ever use your “teacher eye” or “teacher voice” in public? You’re not alone. So have we. {On multiple occasions}

Join in with the Teach Junkies to share your teaching stories, ideas and perhaps a confession or two.

6 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions

How many would you say fit you?

Teacher Confessions

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Teacher Confession: I hide candy in my desk and eat it secretly when the children aren’t looking.

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Reason #492 I love being a kindergarten teacher – I still get to color.

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I have perfected “The Teacher Eye” and I’m not afraid to use it. Anywhere, anytime.

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Teacher Confession: Parent-Teacher Conferences explain a lot.

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Teacher Confession: I love to color with the “good” markers… and I don’t like to share them.

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I frequently use my teacher voice outside the classroom, randomly and unintentionally.

Need More? Check out the rest of the 60 Hilarious and True Teacher Confessions…

8 Honest and Prodding Teacher Political Memes

Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.