How to Have a “Read-a-thon” Day

Last week I wrote about our Mathapalooza (math all day themed day) that our class had. It was incredible, but I was more excited about this week’s Read-a-thon!

We held ours all day during school. I broke up the day with some reading-related activities.

Here’s a list of possible activities you could do to have your own reading-themed day:

  1. Have guest readers
  2. Eat “book worms”
  3. Play reading freeze tag
  4. Hold “power hours”
  5. Sneak in some golden tickets
  6. Make bookmarks
Golden Ticket for a Read-a-thon - what a fun idea!

Are you ready to make your fun reading-themed day a success?

Head over to my blog to get a full description of ALL our activities plus advice for holding your own read-a-thon!

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Beth Barker - Confessions of a Frazzled Teacher

I am a third grade teacher with over 10 years of experience. Sometimes I am frazzled, but I am always willing to share ideas, tips, and more!