Tracking Iditarod Mushers – Interactive Compare Contrast

Take dog sledding to a whole new level with tracking Iditarod mushers. Here is a great activity to compare and contrast the ultimate dog sledding race in February. Students select and track two mushers over the race days using technology and follow up with a comparison activity to create a class book.

Tracking Iditarod Mushers - Interactive Compare Contrast Dog Sledding

Featured from Teaching Idea Tuesday

Dog Sledding – Interactive Iditarod Activity

Track two mushers along the Iditarod race using a recommended website. Students can do this in school or at home. They track their data gathered and complete a Venn diagram about their findings. After comparing and contrasting their two mushers, they take that information to write a paragraph piece. Compile all of the writings into one fantastic class book!


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Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.