Fair isn’t… Free Printable Classroom Poster

As a teacher and a mother I’m sure I’ve heard the worlds “No FAIR!” at least 3,492 {or more} times!

Those words are such a common refrain that I think kids truly don’t understand the meaning of FAIR.

This free printable classroom poster says,

“Fair isn’t everybody getting the same thing….. Fair is everybody getting what they need in order to be successful.”

Fair isn't... Free Printable Classroom Poster

Click on over to get a FREE copy of this printable sign to help remind your students of what fair is and what fair isn’t…

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– Originally posted on Teaching Blog Addict

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My life is full of sweet blessings from God - both big and small. I'm a wife, mother, step-mother, daughter, sister, friend, former teacher or gifted and talented and an Instructional Technology Coordinator.

I'm a technology nerd, a fast talker, and an insomniac. I'm a southern girl who loves to cook for my friends and family. I'm addicted to Sonic Diet Coke and proud of it. I'm a bit OCD and baking is my therapy.

No matter how crazy life gets, blessings always abound in my life! I am blessed indeeed!