Teach range median and mode with free activities and resources. Here are 25 range, median and mode free materials created by teachers! These resources cover games, lesson plans, videos and printables.
I’m excited to share these fantastic creations from other teachers with you – I hope they can save you time in searching for lesson plan ideas!

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Median, Mode and Mean Games

1. Mean, Median, Range, Mode Cootie Catcher – These photos and lesson ideas make me think of a variety of math skills that we can use cootie catchers to practice or review. These could also be taped into a math notebook after a lesson as a reminder and foldable.

2. Playing Cards Math Center – Use playing cards to create a math center and here’s a free printable playing cards recording sheet to round out this resource.

3. Mean, Median, Mode, Range QR Code Activity – A self checking activity for third through fifth graders to use number cards as manipulatives to order the numbers before finding the mean, median mode and range.

4. Median Easter Eggs – Use Easter eggs to hold small slips of paper with number lists to work on finding the median.

5. Mean, Median, Mode School Cards – This set of number cards with school themed clipart could easily be played as a scoot game!

6. Mean-Median Match Up Game – Play independently or with a partner, but players roll a die to create a number set.
7. Mean, Median, Mode and Range Spinner Game – Use a number cards to create a data set and a spinner to decide which measure to find.

Lesson Plan Ideas to Teach 3M+R
8. Mean Median Mode – Introductory Lesson With Pennies – Introduce the concepts of mean median and mode with fourth or fifth graders using pennies.

9. Mean Median Mode 3M Olympics Activity – Use the Olympics rings to help students connect a fun, ACTIVE lesson and see what the real world applications are for working with data sets.

10. Fortune Cookie Lucky Numbers Activity – Break into the fortune cookies and use the lucky numbers to create a data set – how fun and yummy.
11. Data Landmarks with Candy Necklaces – A hands-on math review packet of data landmarks (mean, median, maximum, minimum, mode, range) using candy necklaces! Kids love it! There are definition posters for each of the data landmark terms.

12. Oreo Towers Class Data – Create towers with Oreo cookies and use the data as a class to sort out the entire event.

13. Printable Anchor Charts, Center Activity and Exit Slips – An entire set of printables to get you up and running with anchor charts, a center activity and slips for students to show their takeaway from the activity.

14. Range Median Mode Song for Kids – A song sung by second graders to a catchy and familiar tune. Easy to remember!
15. Understanding 3M+R in the Real World – A fun and laid back set of slides put to music that use real world examples of data sets and asks students to find the mean, median mode or range. A short 2:30 mins. video.
16. Mean Median Mode & Range Rap Song – Learning how to complete finding each of the central tendencies put to a beat.
17. Measures of Central Tendency Raps – A “funky” rhyme that explains why each rhyme works to help find the central tendency measures. A longer video coming in at almost 4 mins. but it might catch the ears of some of your students.
18. How to Find the Mean Median Mode Video – A video that will remind you of a SchoolHouse Rock lesson put to music.
19. Check out this GoNoodle Mean, Median, Mode and Range rap
Teacher Created Range Median Mode

20. Vocabulary Flash Cards – Send home these vocabulary flashcards for review or use in a center activity.

21. Hey Diddle Diddle Pink Poem – The all popular “Hey Diddle Diddle” poem to help describe 3M+R on a fun and colorful, free printable.

22. Minimum Maximum Posters – Personalize the concepts of minimum and maximum with Minnie and Max and these free posters.
23. Mean, Median, Mode Range Classroom Reference Posters – Printable reference posters that define and give examples of each.

24. Range Mode Mean Median Anchor Chart – Create a class chart based on what your students need work on the most using this anchor chart as an example.
25. Retro Example Posters – Four posters with definitions and simple examples that have a retro-color theme.
What a creative set of resources to teach median, mode and range! I hope you found these videos, printables and lesson plans helpful.
Thanks to all of the talented teachers featured in this collection – your ideas will save so much time for many teachers! Feel free to grab the “I’m a Featured Teach Junkie” blog button as your creations are definitely worth the shout out.
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Leslie {aka the original Teach Junkie} loves learning new things to make teaching easier and more effective. She enjoys featuring creative classroom fun when she's not designing teacher shirts, making kindergarten lesson plans or planning her family's next trip to Disney World.